Home Equity Rates

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Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Primary Residence)7.250% - 9.500%0.000%7.401% - 10.036%$50,000$395.19 - $1,050.092/14/2025
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Second Home)8.250% - 10.500%0.000%8.413% - 11.059%$50,000$426.03 - $1,074.702/14/2025
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Investment Home)9.250% - 11.500%0.000%9.425% - 12.082%$50,000$457.93 - $1,099.632/14/2025

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