Grab a Great Rate Today!

Account Type Standard APY¹ With Spend Plus Checking APY Minimum Opening Balance Dividends Compounded & Credited Dividend Period²
First Step Savings³ 7.00% on first $500 N/A $1* Quarterly Quarterly
Stash (Emergency) Savings⁴ 6.00% on first $2500 N/A $1* Monthly Monthly
Regular Savings 0.10% N/A $1* Quarterly Quarterly
High Yield Plus Savings⁵ ($500,000.01+) 2.75% 4.00% $1* Monthly Monthly
High Yield Plus Savings⁵ ($100,000.01-$500,000.00) 2.50% 3.50% $1* Monthly Monthly
High Yield Plus Savings⁵ ($50,000.01-$100,000.00) 2.25% 3.00% $1* Monthly Monthly
High Yield Plus Savings⁵ ($0 - $50,000.00) 0.01% 0.50% $1* Monthly Monthly
Money Market ($100,000+) 2.50% N/A No Minimum Monthly Monthly
Money Market ($0-$99,999) 0.50% N/A No Minimum Monthly Monthly
Health Savings (HSA) 0.10% N/A No Minimum Quarterly Quarterly
Trust, Estate, or IRA Savings 0.50% N/A No Minimum Quarterly Quarterly

1Annual Percentage Yield (APY). See Truth-In-Savings and our Rate and Fee Schedule. Fees may reduce earnings.
2Dividend Schedule. Length of term for dividend compounding, dividend crediting, and dividend period.
3First Step Savings is available for ages 0-19 years with a parent/guardian joint signer. It earns 7.00% APY on balances up to $500. Regular savings rate applies to balances above $500; dividend rate of 0.10%, APY of 0.10%. Dividend Period for balances above $500 is quarterly and dividends compound quarterly. No monthly fee or minimum balance. $1 to open.
4APY = Annual percentage yield. 6.00% APY on balances up to $2,500; balances over $2,500 will earn .01% APY on remaining balance. One Stash Savings account per member. Minimum opening deposit of $1 is required. Rates are subject to change. Fees could reduce earnings. APY is accurate as of April 1, 2024.
5See our Rate and Fee Schedule for more information on High Yield Plus Savings accounts and Spend Plus Checking account fees, terms, and conditions. A Spend Plus Checking account is required to receive the highest rate. Must be tax reporting owner on both accounts. Minimum opening deposit of $1 is required. Rates are subject to change. Fees could reduce earnings. APY is accurate as of April 1, 2024.

*Accounts opened in branch waive minimum opening amount requirements.

The current rate, account terms and conditions, and fees applicable to your Savings Accounts with Whatcom Educational Credit Union (WECU) are a part of your Membership and Account Agreement.

The rates appearing above are accurate and effective for Savings Accounts as of the effective date. Fees could reduce earnings. Rates may be subject to change. See our Truth-In-Savings and our Rate and Fee Schedule. If you have any questions on your accounts, please call WECU at 360-676-1168, toll-free 800-525-8703, or TTY 800-833-6388.

Effective 9/13/2024

Account Type Standard Dividend Rate¹ Standard APY² Minimum Opening Balance Minimum Daily Balance Dividend Schedule³ Monthly Fee
Spend Plus⁵ 7.72% on first $5,000 8.00% on first $5,000 $1 $0 Monthly $0
Spend Free N/A N/A $1 $0 N/A $0
Spend Safe N/A N/A $1 $0 N/A $0
First Step Checking⁴ 6.78% on first $250 7.00% on first $250 $1 $0 Monthly $0


¹Dividend Rate. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees may reduce earnings.
²Annual Percentage Yield (APY). See Truth-In-Savings. Fees may reduce earnings.
³Dividend Schedule. Length of term for dividend compounding, dividend crediting, and dividend period.
⁴First Step Checking is available with a parent/guardian joint signer. Age restrictions apply. It earns 7.00% APY on balances up to $250. Remaining balance is non-dividend-bearing. $1 to open. No overdraft fees. No check writing.
⁵Monthly fee is waived with Direct Deposit greater than $100 per month; otherwise account is $5 per month. See Member Rewards Terms & Conditions or contact us for details. It earns 8.00% APY on balances up to $5,000; .05% base APY plus additional 7.95% APY monthly for qualifying accounts with 20 Debit Card Transactions, enrollment in eStatements, and direct deposit greater than $100 per month. Non-qualifying accounts and balances over $5,000 will earn .05% APY. Minimum opening deposit of $1 is required. Fees could reduce earnings. APY is accurate as of 09/12/2023.

The current rate, account terms and conditions, and fees applicable to your Checking Accounts with Whatcom Educational Credit Union (WECU) are a part of your Membership and Account Agreement. The rates appearing in the above Schedule are accurate and effective for Checking Accounts as of the effective date. Fees could reduce earnings.

Effective 09/12/2023 | WECU/Farleigh Wada Witt©

Certificate Term Dividend Rate¹ APY² Minimum Opening Balance Early Withdrawal Penalty
6 months 4.18% 4.25% $500 90 days' dividends
6 months add-on3 4.04% 4.10% $50 90 days' dividends
12 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
12 months add-on3 3.80% 3.85% $50 180 days' dividends
18 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
24 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
30 months 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
36 months 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
48 months 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends
60 months 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends

1Dividend Rate. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees could reduce earnings.
2APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate rates are effective September 25, 2024, and range from 3.50% to 4.25% APY, depending on the certificate term. Terms range from 6 to 60 months. $500 minimum balance required, $50 minimum balance required on Add-on Certificates only. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal. Rates subject to change. Fees could reduce earnings.
3Add-On Savings Certificates are Stash Certificates. Add-On savings certificates allow more than one deposit to a savings certificate. There are no limits to the amount of deposits during the certificate term. Early withdrawal penalties will apply to any withdrawals.

The rates appearing in the Schedule above are accurate and effective for certificate accounts as of the Effective Date indicated. WECU may offer other rates on new certificates after the effective date, without notice. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawals. If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please call WECU at 360-676-1168, toll-free 800-525-8703 or TTY 800-833-6388.

Effective 9/25/2024 | WECU

Account Type Dividend Rate¹ APY² Minimum Opening Balance Early Withdrawal Penalty
IRA Savings 0.50% 0.50% N/A N/A
6 month IRA Certificate 4.18% 4.25% $500 90 days' dividends
9 month IRA Certificate 3.94% 4.00% $500 90 days' dividends
12 month IRA Certificate 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
18 month IRA Certificate 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
24 month IRA Certificate 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
30 month IRA Certificate 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
36 month IRA Certificate 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
48 month IRA Certificate 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends
60 month IRA Certificate 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends

¹Dividend Rate. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees could reduce earnings.
²Annual Percentage Yield. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees could reduce earnings.

The rates appearing in the Schedule above are accurate and effective for certificate accounts as of the Effective Date indicated. WECU may offer other rates on new certificates after the effective date, without notice. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawals. If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please call WECU at 360-676-1168, toll-free 800-525-8703 or TTY 800-833-6388.

Effective 9/25/2024 | WECU

Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
30-Year Fixed6.750%1.000%6.914%$300,000$1,945.792/14/2025
15-Year Fixed6.125%0.750%6.346%$300,000$2,551.872/14/2025
7-Year ARM6.000%0.750%6.660%$300,000$1,798.652/14/2025
30-Year Fixed Invest7.500%0.625%7.610%$300,000$2,097.642/14/2025
Jumbo 30-Year Fixed6.625%0.750%6.744%$900,000$5,762.802/14/2025
Jumbo 15-Year Fixed6.000%0.625%6.168%$900,000$7,594.712/14/2025
7-Year Jumbo ARM5.875%0.750%6.506%$900,000$5,323.842/14/2025

*Rates are for owner occupied (unless specifically noted as Investment), single-family purchase money, assuming a 25% down payment and credit score of 780.

**The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR takes into account closing costs and fees. Interest rates, APRs, and points shown are subject to change without notice.

*** Payment examples are principal and interest only and do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation.

Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
30-Year Fixed6.875%0.500%6.982%$300,000$1,970.792/14/2025
15-Year Fixed6.125%0.750%6.330%$300,000$2,551.872/14/2025
7-Year ARM6.000%0.875%6.639%$300,000$1,798.652/14/2025
30-Year Fixed Invest7.500%0.750%7.613%$300,000$2,097.642/14/2025
Jumbo 30-Year Fixed6.625%0.875%6.750%$900,000$5,762.802/14/2025
Jumbo 15-Year Fixed6.000%0.625%6.158%$900,000$7,594.712/14/2025
7-Year Jumbo ARM5.875%0.875%6.500%$900,000$5,323.842/14/2025

*Rates are for owner occupied (unless specifically noted as Investment), single-family refinance of existing balance, 75% loan to value and credit score of 780.

**The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR takes into account closing costs and fees. Interest rates, APRs, and points shown are subject to change without notice.

***Payment examples are principal and interest only and do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation.

Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Primary Residence)7.250% - 9.500%0.000%7.401% - 10.036%$50,000$395.19 - $1,050.092/14/2025
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Second Home)8.250% - 10.500%0.000%8.413% - 11.059%$50,000$426.03 - $1,074.702/14/2025
1-20 Year Fixed Rate (Investment Home)9.250% - 11.500%0.000%9.425% - 12.082%$50,000$457.93 - $1,099.632/14/2025

*Rates are subject to credit, occupancy, and combined loan to value.

**The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR takes into account closing costs and fees. Interest rates, APRs, and points shown are subject to change without notice.

***Payment examples are principal and interest only and do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation.

Hazard insurance and, if applicable, flood insurance is required. Other conditions and restrictions may apply.

Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
Variable Rate HELOC (Primary Residence)7.250% - 9.500%0.000%7.337% - 9.599%$50,000Interest Only2/14/2025
Variable Rate HELOC (Second Home)8.250% - 10.500%0.000%8.342% - 10.605%$50,000Interest Only2/14/2025
Variable Rate HELOC (Investment Home)9.250% - 11.500%0.000%9.348% - 11.612%$50,000Interest Only2/14/2025
Fixed Rate Advance (Primary Residence)7.250% - 9.500%0.000%7.337% - 9.599%$50,000$395.19 - $1,050.092/14/2025
Fixed Rate Advance (Second Home)8.250% - 10.500%0.000%8.342% - 10.605%$50,000$426.03 - $1,074.702/14/2025
Fixed Rate Advance (Investment Home)9.250% - 11.500%0.000%9.348% - 11.612%$50,000$457.93 - $1,099.632/14/2025

*Rates are subject to credit, occupancy, and combined loan to value.

**The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR takes into account closing costs and fees. The rates shown are based on a $50,000 loan balance. All Credit Union loan programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.

***Payments do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums. Variable rate payments are interest only. Fixed rate payment examples are principal and interest only. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation

WECU’s Home Equity Lines of Credit are variable rate revolving loans secured by your home. The rate is based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate with a floor of 3.25% and a ceiling of 18%. The Prime Rate is variable and account rate may be adjusted to prime rate daily. Account rates are not guaranteed for any period of time including the funding period.

All terms, including fees and the APRs for new transactions, may change after account opening in accordance with the agreement and applicable law. We do not charge annual maintenance fees. The line has a 10-year draw period followed by a 20-year repayment period. All loans are subject to approval.

Loan TypeRate*PointsAPR**Example LoanMonthly Payment***effective date
VA 30-Year Fixed Purchase6.375%0.250%6.520%$300,000$1,871.612/14/2025
VA 15-Year Fixed Purchase5.625%0.125%5.835%$300,000$2,471.202/14/2025
VA 30-Year Fixed Refinance6.375%0.250%6.520%$300,000$1,871.612/14/2025
VA 15-Year Fixed Refinance5.625%0.125%5.835%$300,000$2,471.202/14/2025

*Rates are for owner occupied 1–4-unit purchase or refinance transactions.

**The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR takes into account closing costs and fees. Interest rates, APRs, and points shown are subject to change without notice. APR includes a 1% lender fee.

***Payment examples are principal and interest only and do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation.

Visa Credit Cards

WECU Visa credit cards offer rewards, cash back, no-fee balance transfers, and more! Check out all of our options today.

Loan Type Rate Range (APR)*
Auto and Trucks 6.24% - 23.99%
Boats 8.24% - 19.99%
RVs 8.24% - 14.74%
Motorcycles 7.49% - 20.49%
Other Secured 8.24% - 19.99%

* Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Your rate will be within the range disclosed above and is based on your credit history, term of the loan, amount being financed, and, if applicable, age of collateral.

Subject to credit qualifications we will finance your purchase including tax, license, dealer options, warranty and insurance products. Some limitations may apply.

For a 4 year vehicle loan of $20,000 at 6.24%, your monthly payment would be $474.26.

For a 7 year vehicle loan of $20,000 at 23.99%, your monthly payment would be $502.44.

Loan amounts based on NADA book prices or dealer invoices for new vehicles, or watercraft.

WECU may offer other loan rates and terms in the future.

Full coverage insurance required.

Loan Type Rate Range (APR)* Repayment Terms
Personal Signature 8.99% - 19.99% up to 60 months
Savings Secured Fixed 4.00% up to 36 months
Savings Secured Fixed 5.00% up to 72 months
Savings Secured Fixed 6.00% up to 120 months
Savings Secured Variable 2.00% over savings rate up to 72 months
Certificate Secured 2.00% over certificate rate same as certificate
Other Secured Loans 8.24% - 19.99% up to 60 months

Notice: Repayment periods, conditions and rates are subject to change without notice.

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Your rate will be within the range disclosed above and is based on your credit history, term of the loan, amount being financed, and if applicable, age of collateral.

For a 4 year savings/certificate secured loan of $10,000 at 5.00% your monthly payment would be $230.29.

Loan Type Rate Range Points Range APR* Range Example Loan Estimated Monthly Payment Range
5 Year Fixed Rate 7.25 - 8.25% 0.00 - 2.00% 8.240 - 8.407% $150,000 $2,987.90 - $3,059.44
5 Year Balloon w/ 30 Year Amortization 7.25 - 8.25% 0.00 - 2.00% 7.487 - 8.290% $150,000 $1,023.26 - $1,126.90
10 Year Fixed Rate 7.75 - 8.75% 0.00 - 2.00% 8.288 - 8.836% $150,000 $1,800.16 - $1,879.90
10 Year Balloon w/ 30 Year Amortization 7.75 - 8.75% 0.00 - 2.00% 7.995 - 8.791% $150,000 $1,074.62 - $1,180.05

* Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Your rate will be within the range disclosed above and is based on your credit history, term of the loan, and amount being financed.
Interest rates, Annual Percentage Rate, and points shown are subject to change without notice.
Maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) 75%.
Payment examples are principle and interest only and do not include amounts for taxes or insurance premiums. Actual payment may vary based on your specific situation.
Loans are for Consumer use only, not for Commercial use (i.e. Agricultural, Logging, or other business).

Other restrictions may apply.
WECU may offer other loan rates and terms in the future.

Effective 11/2019.

Save your way.

Everybody’s different, so we offer a few different ways to save. Choose the one that’s right for you. Or visit us in person and we’ll figure it out together.

Designed with you in mind.

With a WECU Business Checking account, you get the tools and access that you need to manage your money on your terms.

Certificate Term Dividend Rate¹ APY² Minimum Opening Balance Early Withdrawal Penalty
6 months 4.18% 4.25% $500 90 days' dividends
9 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 90 days' dividends
12 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
18 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
24 months 3.94% 4.00% $500 180 days' dividends
30 months 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
36 months 3.70% 3.75% $500 180 days' dividends
48 months 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends
60 months 3.45% 3.50% $500 360 days' dividends

¹ Dividend Rate. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees could reduce earnings.
²Annual Percentage Yield. See Truth-In-Savings. Fees could reduce earnings.

The rates appearing in the Schedule above are accurate and effective for certificate accounts as of the Effective Date indicated. WECU may offer other rates on new certificates after the effective date, without notice. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawals. If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please call WECU at 360-676-1168, toll-free 800-525-8703 or TTY 800-833-6388.

Effective 9/25/2024 | WECU

Business Loans

Time is money. Because of that, you need partners that move at your speed – and your need. That’s why we put a premium on working with you and finding solutions that keep you on track.

Business Visa

The WECU Business Visa is a great everyday card. It’s widely accepted anywhere in the US and you earn a 1% cashback reward on purchases, plus you can transfer balances without a fee.

We are excited to help you on your home ownership journey!

The first step is to create an account for your customized Real Estate experience.

Create Account