Visa cards are the most widely accepted cards in the United States.

WECU checking members will have few worries about their ability to use their cards when they need to.

Payment Protection

With Payment Protection, you’ll find comfort in knowing that an emotional tragedy doesn’t have to become a financial one. Disability protection makes your monthly loan payment should you become disabled due to a covered illness or injury. Life protection reduces or pays off your eligible loan balance should you die before paying off your loan.

  • Automatic eligibility for most borrowers.
  • No medical screening.
  • Premium can be included in your loan payment.
  • Low group rates that are the same for every borrower.
  • Protection of your loan collateral and credit rating.
  • More information about Payment Protection (Price varies depending on selected protection and loan type.)

Limit Increases

To request a credit limit increase on your WECU® VISA, simply fill out an application. Use the same account number on which you already have a VISA, and we’ll evaluate your request on your existing VISA. If you have any questions, please call our full service call center. We can get you started with your limit increase right over the phone.