Your Experience Matters


An exclusive online community built especially for you
and all of our most influential WECU members.

Log in to YOUx Create a YOUx Account

What is YOUx?

YOUx is the place for WECU members to engage, share feedback, and earn rewards
while also helping to influence the future of the credit union.

What’s in it for You?

It's pretty simple. Connect through YOUx to complete important projects and fun challenges. You earn points for each completed challenge, and points can be redeemed for some pretty sweet rewards.

How to Join

You’re invited to join YOUx, to connect with our online community, complete challenges, and collect rewards.

1. Sign Up

Sign up and set up your account to join the YOUx network.

2. Complete challenges

Complete a few challenges to learn how YOUx works.

3. Redeem Rewards

Get approved for full access and complete challenges to redeem rewards.

First Step Checking


First Step Checking members get access to our exclusive online community. In YOU(th)x, you can unlock new and exciting challenges, earn points, and redeem them for gift cards at your favorite spots. Open a First Step Checking account today!

See for yourself what YOUx is all about

Returning YOUxer? Welcome back.

New to YOUx? We're excited you're here. Sign-up with the email associated with your WECU membership (not your online banking username/password).

We are excited to help you on your home ownership journey!

The first step is to create an account for your customized Real Estate experience.

Create Account